
Fireye Flame Safeguard & Combustion Control Equipment $100 net minimum order applies. Drop ship charge of $50.00 per order. All quoted prices will be in U.S. dollars.

BP230UVFR‐S4MP BurnerPRO Single Burner Control with ModBus and Valve Proving, 230VAC 50/60Hz, Series 4 timings, with UV non‐self check and FR amplifier, IP40. Compatible with 60‐2981‐1 and Siemens LFL wiring base

BP230UVFR‐SXMP BurnerPRO Single Burner Control with ModBus and Valve Proving, 230VAC 50/60Hz, Flexible Series timings, with UV non‐self check and FR amplifier, IP40. Compatible with 60‐2981‐1 and Siemens LFL wiring base

60‐2981‐1 Open base with terminal block and PG11 knockouts w/ grounding leash, 4.1” L x 4.1” W x 1.2” H.

60‐2981‐M16 Open base with terminal block and M16 knockouts w/ grounding leash, 4.1” L x 4.1” W x 1.2” H.

60‐2991‐1 Wiring harness to convert RM7800 / RM7840 / RM7845 (less valve proving) to Fireye BurnerPRO.

UV90L‐1 UV scanner, Front and side (90o) lateral view, terminal block hook‐up

UV1AL UV scanner, 1/2” NPT connector, front view, 3 ft or 6 ft cable, shielded leads

UV5‐1 UV scanner, Side (90o) lateral view, 6 ft quick disconnect cable, shielded leads, UL, CE Approved

UV5‐2 UV scanner, Side (90o) lateral view, 6 ft integrated cable, shielded leads, CE Approved only

BP500 Tester, 120 VAC, for use with BurnerPro BP110control