
Fireye Flame Safeguard & Combustion Control Equipment $100 net minimum order applies. Drop ship charge of $50.00 per order. All quoted prices will be in U.S. dollars.

61-3060 Closed wiring base for surface mtg., use with M‐Series II and MicroM

61-5042 Open wiring base for cabinet mtg., use with M‐Series II and MicroM

M4RT1 Integrated flame rectification control, 120 VAC, 50 / 60 Hz, 5 sec purge, 10 sec PTFI, recycle operation. Can be used with UV90L‐2 UV scanner.

M4RT24‐xx Integrated flame rectification control, 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz, Purge time, PTFI timing determined by part number. Consult factory. Can be used with UV90L‐2 UV scanner

UV90L-2 UV scanner, Front and side (90o) lateral view, terminal block hook‐up. For use with M4RT1/M4RT24‐XX.

IT1000 Wireless monitoring system. Monitors up to 10 Flame‐Monitor and/or MicroM controls, 4 dry contact inputs, and 4 AC inputs Complete with 3 inch, 1/4 wave antenna.

N018040-KIT Antenna, remote quad mount with mounting kit ‐ includes 10 foot coaxial cable.

N018032-10 Antenna, remote quad mount—OBSOLETE

N018042-10 Antenna, remote quad mount without mounting kit ‐ includes 10 foot coaxial cable.

59-509 coaxial cable for remote antenna, available in 10', 15',20' and 25' lengths. 59-509-10 59-509-15 59-509-20 59-509-25

N250339-00 Remote mounting bracket (included in antenna remote mount kit).