
Fireye Flame Safeguard & Combustion Control Equipment $100 net minimum order applies. Drop ship charge of $50.00 per order. All quoted prices will be in U.S. dollars.

Programmer. Selectable purge (30 sec min.), selectable recycle/non‐recycle, 5 and 10 sec TFI, no modulation, French language. EP300F

Programmer. Selectable purge (30 sec min.), selectable recycle/non‐recycle, 5 and 10 sec TFI, no modulation, Spanish language. EP300S

Programmer. Selectable purge (30 sec min), 5 and 10 sec TFI, selectable recycle/non‐recycle, no modulation. EP380

Programmer. Selectable purge (15 sec min), 5 and 10 sec TFI, selectable recycle/non‐recycle, no modulation.

Programmer. Selectable purge (0 sec min), 5 and 10 sec TFI, selectable recycle/non‐recycle, no modulation. EP382

Programmer. Selectable purge, selectable TFI, selectable recycle/non‐recycle via ED510, no modulation, no agency approvals. EP383

Programmer. Selectable purge (15 sec min), 5 and 10 sec TFI, selectable recycle/non‐recycle, no modulation, Infinite hold on M ‐ D circuit. EP387

Programmer. Selectable purge (90 sec min), 5 and 10 sec TFI, selectable recycle/non‐recycle, no modulation. EP390