All Flame Scanners

Fireye Flame Scanners provides a variety of UV and IR flame scanners that accurately detect the presence or absence of flame in a combustion chamber and some provide both self-check and non-self check capabilities.
Flame Scanners Subcategories
Flame Scanners Components

60-1664-3 Swivel mount adaptor, 1″ NPT for 45UV5, 45RM, 45FS scanners.

60-1664-4 Swivel mount adaptor, 1″ BSP for 45UV5, 45RM, 45FS scanners

61-436 Magnifying lens cap (standard) for 48PT scanners

61-2914-1 Shutter and bracket assembly only for 45UV5-1005 through 1009, -1000, -1010, -1101. No longer available for sale. – – OBSOLETE Consult ITS

61-3263-1 Shutter bracket and lens assembly with lens holder and gasket for 45UV5-1005 thru -1009, -1105 (includes 61- 2914). No longer available for sale. – – OBSOLETE Consult ITS

61-5745-3 Shutter drive circuit board assembly for dual 45UV5- 1005 scanners

61-7074-3 Front mount scanner base (1″ NPT), 20 foot cable for use with 55UV5 scanners

61-7075-1 Shutter and bracket assembly for 55UV5-1005 scanners. No longer available for sale. – – OBSOLETE Consult ITS

92-91 Flat (non-magnifying) lens cap for 48PT scanners